smartCABINET is far more than your simple storage cabinet. It is an intelligent automated system which, thanks to the components and functions of the LOGIBIOTECH system for pathological anatomy, can help operators perform all phases for the storage and retrieval of cyto-histological samples.
Thanks to the software installed, ‘pick-to-light’ technology, Wi-Fi connection and the use of samAPP, each storage and retrieval operation is carried out in a secure, traceable and recorded manner.
Modular and flexible:
Numerous identical units can be added to each smartCABINET and each of these can in turn command an infinite number of clientCABINET to adapt to any storage volume requirement and space available.
9 pull-out compartments with slots for 22 or 11 LOGIBIOTECH racks give a total capacity of:
• 19,800 biopsy cassettes
• 39,600 slides
• 15,840 macrosection slides
• 1,584 super mega cassettes
• 2,376 vials (ThinPrep Solution 20 ml model type)